Lockdown #3 Update

Sadly the information below now applies to all members, please keep an eye on the website and site Calendars for the latest information.

As you will have seen we are all in a new lockdown.  Unfortunately this means that our ability to go flying has been stopped again.

The BMFA has posted a message on their website   https://bmfa.org/News/News-Page/ArticleID/2708/COVID-19-Regulations-Update-6-1-2021  which says and I quote :

Whilst outdoor exercise is still allowed, either alone or with one other person, we are now no longer permitted to leave our homes to visit public outdoor places for the purposes of open air recreation.  The definition of public outdoor places has also been amended and now no longer includes outdoor sportsgrounds or sports facilities.

Outdoor sportsgrounds or sports facilities (which includes model flying club sites and BMFA Buckminster) have also been added to the list of venues that must close.”

It is a sad day – but let us hope that along with the lock down and the rollout of the vaccines we can get back to doing what we enjoy soonest.

In the meantime, make the most of the time and carry on balsa bashing.

Keep Safe one and all.