FPV Update

At the February meeting the subject of flying FPV was discussed and we looked at the BMFA guidance.  It was obvious to this meeting that, as a Club, we had nothing to cover FPV.  The Committee was charged to have a look at the issues and to determine what Rules (if any) should be brought into being.

The Committee has spoken to the BMFA and obtained guidance and clarity of the rules with respect to FPV flying.

Your Committee has been working on a form of words and these were discussed and amendments suggested.  These are being incorporated by the Committee and will be issued for general comments as soon as possible.  We would like to have agreement on the final form of words at the May meeting.

If you are going to fly FPV you must comply with the legal requirements for the safe operation of PFV models as detailed in the Air navigation Order (ANO) and BMFA Handbook and subsequent amendments.  On each FPV flight you MUST have a dedicated competent observer standing adjacent to you in the Pilots Box who is in a position to communicate to you details of other aircraft, people or vehicles in the area and your intended movements to others.  The Competent Observer is a legal requirement so flying without one could have serious legal penalties.

For site specific information please contact a member of the Committee

Once the Rules have been finalised and agreed, they will be sent out by email to all members as well as being put on the website to reference.