2018 AGM



We’ve just held the 2018 AGM at the Saltford Golf Club which was well attended by club members. Reports were given by the Chairman, Treasurer and Auditors with thanks given to everyone who helped with the many activities and tasks required to run the business side of the club and to keep the flying patch at Charmy Down in such good condition. Charmy Down is a real credit to all who look after it, thank you.

There was considerable discussion concerning the budget proposed for 2019. In 2018 the income from club fees was  less than our expenses, the main reason for this being that we didn’t enroll as many members as we had budgeted for hence the income was much lower.  The 2019 budget for the club portion of the fee is based upon keeping the same number of members as 2018. The BMFA have increased the membership fee for senior members from £34 to £38 which has been included in the combined Club + BMFA fee. Details can be found on the Club Members page under 2019 renewal together with information about paying by bank transfer.

We look forward to existing members rejoining and as always give a warm welcome to any new members wishing to join us in 2019.

We wish everyone a very happy Christmas and look forward to seeing you in the New Year.